Media Employers
Anli has worked for the following media in a freelance capacity:
- · BBC Television-Television News, Newsnight, Panorama, Everyman, Inside Story
- · BBC Radio Producer, Johannesburg for Mike Woolridge and Colin Blane
- · NBC News Television producer - Johannesburg Bureau
- · Reuters- Sport stringer and Television Producer, Johannesburg Bureau
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ANP -Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau, The Netherlands
- · CBC - Canada, The Journal
- · CHANNEL 9- Australia, 60 minutes
- · CHANNEL 4- UK, The World This Week
- · DUTCH Radio and Television stations IKON, KRO, NCRV, TROS, VARA
- ENI - Ecumenical News International, Geneva
- IKON - Kenmerk, Hilversum, The Netherlands
- · NEW ZEALAND TELEVISION - Assignment (Rod Vaughan)
- · NHK- Japan
Broadcasting, Johannesburg Bureau
- NOVA - Dutch current affairs programme
- · SID- Sports Informations Dienst, Germany
- Spotlight Magazine, Germany
Svenska Dagbladet, Stockholm
- · ZDF - Auslandsjournal, Mona Lisa
University of Trier - Lecturer Business English Presentations and Listening Comprehension based on films and documentaries which have business economic themes.
Global Radio, Satellite Radio, Luxembourg - Public Relations Manager
- University of Applied Sciences, Trier - Business English Lecturer